Special Easter Timetable
Easter is just around the corner and at Reciclajes y Metales Pérez we will be celebrating the holidays with the family.
That is why on Maundy Thursday (28th March), Good Friday (29th March) and Easter Monday (1st April) our centres will be closed to the public.
On Saturday 30th March, both the spare parts shop-autodesguace (C/ Gremi de Sabaters, 60) and the Ses Veles scrapyard (C/ Fonoll, 56, Bunyola) will be open as usual (from 8:00 to 13:00 h). Our metal and scrap metal buying and selling centre (C/ Gremi de Sabaters, 62) will be closed on that day and will reopen its doors on Tuesday 2nd April.
For any further information, please do not hesitate to contact us by calling +34 971 434 988 or sending an email to info@metales-perez.es.
With Reciclajes y Metales Pérez, no discomfort at all.