Colaboración con Jovent

We collaborate with the Societat Cooperativa Jovent by means of vehicle loans

At Reciclajes y Metales Pérez we believe in the importance of training young people so that lifelong trades, such as those linked to the automotive industry, have continuity over time.

For this reason, we have started a collaboration with the non-profit organisation Societat Cooperativa Jovent, which consists of the disinterested loan of some of our vehicles so that their students can carry out the necessary practices to obtain the certificates of professionalism.

“The cars that Pérez generously lends us are used so that the students of automotive mechanics and automotive bodywork and painting can carry out the most realistic practices possible. At the moment they are going to benefit from the cars that thirty-two students have given us”, announces Manuel Palacios, a teacher at Jovent.

Palacios describes the value of this contribution as follows: “The trades that are taught require many hours of practice. If we didn’t have vehicles with which they could experiment and discover all the inconveniences they would encounter in a real repair, we would be providing low-quality training. The contribution of these cars means that their learning is of a much more than acceptable quality when it comes to entering the world of work”.

We support more students and professionals

In addition to the students of Societat Cooperativa Jovent, other young people from IES Son Pacs and CIFP Juníper Serra have been able to handle and learn from other vehicles that we have provided to these centres over the last two academic years.

An initiative that we have replicated with the Palma Fire Department so that they can carry out their drills.

Our commitment to the planet includes our commitment to people.