In Reciclajes y Metales Pérez we care about making your shopping experience comfortable and easy with the best quality products. So that your data is also safe on the Internet and you are not a victim of phishing or theft, we help you with these tips. But, above all, if you have any doubts, we recommend that you always contact your trusted company directly, through its telephone number.
It is indisputable that the Internet has made our lives much easier: we can buy online with just one click and consult all the information we want at the moment. Of course, always with some prevention and security measures to avoid being victims of scams and what today is called phishing. Through this deception technique, hackers try to steal our personal and banking data through a fake web page of an institution, the Tax Agency or a known or trusted business. They may try to do so by sending us an SMS, by whatsapp or email, with an offer or gift that they use as a hook to capture our attention, and take advantage of it to ask us for our data.
These computer scammers follow a modus operandi that you can easily identify:
The Organization of Consumers and Users (OCU) recommends using a secure browser in addition to an antivirus; in Windows, Mozilla Firefox and Microsoft Edge block 70% of these fraudulent websites. For Mac, the best are Firefox and Safari, which block 70% of phishing.
Contacting companies by phone to get the information you need is the easiest way to avoid falling for scams and frauds. And report it to the authorities, such as the Police or the Guardia Civil.
As well as to change the password of the supplanted service (e-mail account, access to the service, etc.); and to warn the bank if you have given your data. But remember that just by clicking on a link your data will not be stolen, you have to enter them somewhere for that to happen.
And remember, with Perez, no discomfort at all. Follow all our news on the web and find out about our products and services at 971 434 988.
Hecho por Mallorca Global / 2023